A little update

February 6th, 2024.

I've awoken from my grave to give my nonexistent audience a little update! I'd like to apologize for the lack of posts. School has mentally destoryed me this and last month which led me to procrastinate more often than usual. I was planning on making a post about some new phones I got this January but I chose not to. You can see the failed post here. I mean I could continue to work on the post and talk about whatever I'm going to talk about here there...but not only am I lazy, but some of phones are not in my possession right now. Moving on...I still will try and continue doing more of those "New phone!" posts mainly to keep this website more relevant. In fact I might talk about my D505i and it randomly dying on me a few days after I got it... tomorrow. I'll also bring back reviews! But I'll try and make them shorter than before. I was reading my old A940 review and got second-hand embarassment from it because it was filled with so much over exaggeration...ugh. I'm also aware of this site turning one year old which I wanted to make a post about but didn't due to my lovely friend porcrastination. Anyways I'll just end this here since I don't have much else to say. :P
